Unforgetable Moment with Hamada's Family
Hello my dear ... how are you there? hope you guys stay cool ~_~ v Previous days ago i went to a Japanese Family`s house and here`s the story... This is my second experience, closely interacted with Japanese (the 1st was with my lab mates http://midorikireii.blogspot.jp/2013/01/nabe-party.html ). How was it feels? hmmm it`s amazing and indescribable because we visited my friend -k Rita- sensei /lecturer`s residence. Prof. Hamada, the name of K`Rita`s sensei is her academic supervisor at Civil Department, Engineering Faculty of Kyushu University. It is located in Ito Campus (just click on http://www.eng.kyushu-u.ac.jp/e/research/civil/index.html if you are interested to study in that field). On that day, four of us (myself, k` Rita, Ms.Azuwa and Bu Rita) went to Prof. Hamada`s home by bu Rita`s car, takes 15-20 minutes only from Ito campus. Surprisingly, when we arrived there Prof. Hamada wasn`t at home but the family member (his mother a...