Unforgetable Moment with Hamada's Family

Hello my dear ... how are you there? hope you guys stay cool ~_~ v

Previous days ago i went to a Japanese Family`s house and here`s the story...

This is my second experience, closely interacted with Japanese (the 1st was with my lab mates  http://midorikireii.blogspot.jp/2013/01/nabe-party.html). How was it feels? hmmm it`s amazing and indescribable because we visited my friend -k Rita- sensei /lecturer`s residence. Prof. Hamada, the name of K`Rita`s sensei is her academic supervisor at Civil Department, Engineering Faculty of  Kyushu University. It is located in Ito Campus (just click on http://www.eng.kyushu-u.ac.jp/e/research/civil/index.html  if you are interested to study in that field). 

On that day, four of us (myself, k` Rita, Ms.Azuwa and Bu Rita) went to Prof. Hamada`s home by bu Rita`s car, takes 15-20 minutes only from Ito campus. Surprisingly, when we arrived there Prof. Hamada wasn`t at home but the family member (his mother and wife) welcomed us friendly and full of warmth. K`Rita  introduced us one by one to the host. Yukiko San  and Okaasan (Hamada sensei`s wife & mother) gave a hug and even kiss to all of us. All this time, my impression that is hard to get intimately with Japanese suddenly changed when i met Hamada`s family.

We`re hosted at the living room with a well prepared dining table. Eitss but we didn`t get directly to lunch activities...as usual, the host started with the opening conversation. Okaasan and Yukiko san express   their thankful for our visit and gifts. We did reply by express our gratitude of their kindly lunch invitation.

Yukiko san expressed her grateful thanks

It was so touchy when Okaasan and Yukiko San handed souvenirs for k` Rita. FYI, K`Rita will  be back for good to Indonesia by the end of March 2013. Our lunch on that day actually a farewell party for k`Rita from Hamada Sensei family. 

Souvenir handed

souvenir  handed

After the souvenir session, Yukiko san pointed sitting position for each of us at the dining table in tatami style. Rather than let the guest confused on where to sit, the Japanese host always guide us about it (as my experience before). While in the kitchen, okaasan was cooking a fresh tempura (deep fried vegetables and seafood) for the lunch.

various dishes on the dining table

Fresh tempura prepared by okaasan

In the next 10 minutes all the menu for lunch was completely presented on the dining table. Soon we started the lunch... Anyway, because of the farewell party was held in hinamatsuri period -hinamatsuri or girl`s day is celebrated every year on third of March. On that celebration the Japanese family wish their daughter a successful and happy life. Usually in every home there`d be a display of ornamental doll. They start to set the doll display in February till 4th of March. There is a belief that leaving the doll after 4th of March, the daughter would be late to get marriage- Okaasan cooked chirashi sushi. This sushi is served scatterely on a bowl with seafood topping...oishikatta yoo. The tempura also delicious. Yukiko san prepared fresh jelly seaweed salad namely kanten yose. We really enjoyed all these `home made Japanese culinary`. 

Chirashi sushi

Kanten Yose

Hinamatsuri doll created by Okaasan and Yukiko san

A complete set of hinamatsuri doll (source google image)

During the lunch time we talked various topics. Actually only bu Rita and k`Rita actively talked. I and Azuwa san could speak a little words. Okaasan shared her experiences as a traditional Japanese dancer. In her eighty age, she still invited to perform a dance in Japanese wedding ceremony. Sometimes she even presents dance for the bride. Guyzz do you want to know what happened next? ...Yup..finally, Okasaan showed us her dance and asked us to follow her. Kak Rita, Bu Rita and Yukiko san lined up behind Okaasan, following her motions while count 1...2...3 to harmonize their movement. Afterward, Okaasan asked us to show our traditional dance. Luckily, Bu Rita is so talented in any kind of arts, she is the one who taught our traditional dance to Okaasan. What a lively afternoon :)

 lovely host

it`s dance time !

Let`s dance, Ich...Ni..San...

I am so impressed with Okaasan, in her eighty she looks so active and mentally health. As we know that the longest life expectancy in the world is Japan. Amami island, lies between Kyushu and Okinawa (Kagoshima Prefecture), an island where we can found the community with longest life expectancy. Hongo Kamato ,116 years old coming from Amami island, is the oldest women that recognized by Guinness Book of Record. Japanese female has the highest life expectancy in the world. 

when Okaasan performed a dance

I finally asked Okaasan what`s the secret. Yukiko san told us, that every night Okaasan goes to the shop for groceries by foot in return trip. Moreover she practicing kind of yoga and traditional dance regularly, voluntary  in some social activities. Then i asked about special food that she consumes daily. Okaasan said, there`s nothing specific...she eats normal menu like us. However, i believe that the food must be healthier than me...Some of Japanese that i`ve met share the food that they eat.. lots of fish, fresh green veggie, soy products, seaweed or even natto. Natto is fermented soya bean, smelly and sticky. I must try it once for my curiosity.

Natto...will you eat it ? ;) (source google image)

After spent time more than three hours, we asked permission to leave. All of us were touched  at the last minutes. Good bye hug and kiss from Okaasan and Yukiko san  moved us to the blue. Sayonaraa...i`m grateful for these wonderful moment.

One last togetherness 

One last tight hug...

I should really have to express my thankful to "duo Rita". Kak Rita for her kindly invitation to let me join the farewell party at her sensei's (Prof. Hamada) home and Ma'm Rita for driving also become an interpreter for us at that time.

(source google image)
.....Omoshirokatta desu, Arigato gozaimashita minna san :)....


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