Fully Blessed Days

Assalamualaikum my dear,

Missing me? hehehe...sorry, lately I couldn`t updating my blog regurlarly therefore i`m trying to summary the stories that enlighten my days. In the last two weeks i found that Allah had spoiled me, Alhamdulillah...Many good things happened which was beyond of my expectation. Let me share it then

October 9th, 2013
It`s been ten days since i sent an email to Yamaguchi San, a Japanese man that I`ve met at the entepreurship workshop on September. He was offered a business collaboration in fishery. I thought he won`t reply it but what a surprise...he replied and asked me to have a business dinner meeting on 6.30 pm at Hakata Station. I did some preparation in the afternoon while thinking of someone that I didn`t met for almost a month. Kind of missing him...heyyy come on, I am just a normal girl (not yet a woman :p). Really hope i could meet him somewhere today although it`s impossibble. 

Luckily, I arrived on time at the shinkansen entrance of Hakata Station where Yamaguchi San and his partner waited for me. Always keep in mind that Japanese are extremely concern about punctuality, so please be on time ! Yamaguchi san gently offered to have our meeting at a restaurant which provides seafood and it seemed exclusive one. It was an awesome business meeting, we talked in very casual way and Yamaguchi san explained about the business clearly which made me easy (as a new comer) to catched the points. This business collaboration would involve an entepreneur, researcher, academic institution from Indonesia and Japanese Organization. My first task is searching for researchers and academic institution in Indonesia that interested to run this cooperation. Yesss...we can make it !! InsyaAllah... First step of my future business, accomplished ! Alhamdulillah <3

Wouw we spent 2,5 hours for that business meeting...a lil bit suprise when I found Yamaguchi san paid for our dinner. As i knew that Japanese are oftenly individualistic however since Yamaguchi San treated me, I changed my assumption, not all of them are individualistic. After saying good bye to Yamaguchi san, i went to  the ground floor to catched the train for going home.

It was crowded in the train. I couldn`t find any seats at the right side then i turned to the left side and...yatta!! there was one seat left next to a man who was sitting at the corner. When I walked toward the seat, suddenly I realized that the man was him . Oh My God... where was the air gone, I couldn`t breath for a while. He was the first one who greet and smile at me, right after I sit. The first  three minutes we just kept silent which actually I was trying hard to manage my nervous. I believed either he was felt nervous because of this accidentally meeting and we was sitting really close to each other. Then i started the conversation, asked where did he came from. He said `` I just arrived from my business meeting trip abroad. What about you?``. Being stammered, I replied `` a..a.. I had a business meeting in Hakata``.  Oh My God...unbelieveable, we had three similarities that night : had attended business meeting, we wore the same color.. he was wearing white polo t-shirt and I was in my white shirt, lastly...we were stop by at the same station. Sya la la la la la la la...Alhamdulillah, i was really happy with this accidentally and lovely meeting. Looking forward others suprising situation betwen us <3.

October 11th, 2013
Severeal weeks ago I have being involved at the student committee which organize orientation and welcome party for new international students in my department. The first agenda on October 11th was orientation day, in this event the senior international students was sharing their academic and life experiences at the beginning period in Kyushu University and Fukuoka, Japan. I was one of the presenter and the topic about how do i deal with culture shock.

The audiences on my presentation
Honestly in on hand, i didn`t want to present... i was afraid of the limited time in presentation which in the end I could not present all of my slides. I am not get used to talk in a very high speed, not get used to present without gesture and expression which definitely takes much time. On the other hand, i need to take this opportunity as my training session before get into the real academic presentation, an international conference, next year.

International students in our department, guess... which one is new and senior? 

Alhamdulillah...was so happy that i could finished my presentation within the time limit provided in 25 minutes. Hopefully in the conference next year i able to present all of my slides in time and fluently. InsyaAllah...

October 12th - 13th, 2013
We, six of Indonesian people, got an invitation for Halal Monitoring Trip to visit Hitoyoshi City in Kumamoto, from a Japanese community which concern about halal product. Hmmmmm...I am gonna share this amazing trip story separately, later on :)

October 15th, 2013
My third Eid Adha in Fukuoka and Alhamdulillah... I was able to skipped one whole day of lab activities on that day. I and Irma went to a food court after the praying...of course the food was totally different compared to our Eid Adha special dishes in Indonesia, however we were enjoyed that moment. Additionally...Bu Pipi, An Indonesian friend, was making coto and burasa, meat soup and steam rice which wrapped with banana leaf, originated from my lovely home town Makassar. She brought it for me on the next day. How blessed I am, thank you Allah <3

Compilation of nice pictures on Eid Adha was taken by Irma chan

Eid Adha dishes from the food court ;)

Coto and burasa... felt I am home <3

October 18th, 2013
As i`m free on Friday i always go to the mosque for pray. This Friday, Allah allowed me to witnessed the procession of a Japanese man who converted to became a moslem. I was so touched even cried and at the same time I made a wish, so that Allah gives hidayah for all the Japanese or non moslem around me, aamiin...InsyaAllah. You may watch the video here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202303309290623&notif_t=video_processed

Setoguchi  San recited syahadah

Welcome hug for Setoguchi San from the brothers

After the procession, Noha San, an Egyptian sister, and I decided to have lunch at halal restaurant which located not that far from the mosque. Fortunately the new Japanese Moslem  also had his lunch there. We invited him to sit next to our table and asked several questions. Although he couldn`t speak English fluently but he gave us a very clear answers.

Conversion certificate of Setoguchi San

His name is Setoguchi San and currently his Islam name is Abduallah. He lives with his wife and two kids in Kagoshima, about 7 hours by night bus from Fukuoka, as he said. He finally decided to convert after reading the Holy Qur`an particularly Surah Al-Ikhlas. MasyaAllah...I was speechless and amazed on how Allah gives hidayah to him. I made a wish again but it was special only  for him, hope Allah will touch his heart to become a moslem...aamiin, InsyaAllah.

I, Setoguchi San and Sista Noha

What do you think about all of these bless? Alhamdulillah... thank you Allah...i love you


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