What A Fun Planning Workshop

My dear grandchild, hope you`re doing fine there...

Granny had spent very interesting weekend which strongly related to my major in Kyushu University, city planning. I bet, you might have the same thought as mine when I saw the workshop rundown activity ``could I stand on it? three hours sitting and discussing something tough such as city planning?`` Well...in contrary, the workshop was soooooooo fun <3

It was organized by Urban Design Center Island City (UDCIC) and of course it was held in Island City ! Actually, at first I recognized it as ``Grin-Grin` but later on when I oftenly came and found that the whole part of that place called Island City. I already talked much about this place in my previous writing, you may read it here.

Ohtani Sensei was the one who informed that there`d be an exhibition in UDCIC, so then I checked on their website and luckily I also read about this event. Although it would be held in Japanese and the deadline registration has passed, but I and my lovely Sista Heba were insisted to join in. We sent email to Ohtani Sensei that we really want to attend the workshop, fortunately he accepted our request. Hehehe actually.. this is a collaboration workshop between UDCIC and Kyushu University, particularly Arima Sensei Laboratory. Sista Heba is Arima Sensei`s student...that`s why ;) 

The workshop started on 13.30 pm sharp, while we`re still on the bus at that time. And guess what happened? The organizer called to let us know that they will start it soon and make sure about our arrival. How nice they are <3

Since we`re coming late, we missed the first part perhaps is a kind of welcoming and briefly introduction about the workshop itself. 
Explanation from the organizer before going to the site

The participant were devided into two groups and each group has an instructor. Both of us were sitting at the same group which Ohtani sensei was the instructor. In our group there were 4 students from Kyushu University, included us. The others are a father with his lilttle kids boy (around 9 yo) and girl (maybe 3 yo), two men and one beautiful lady. 

While another group there was only one student and Arima Sensei was the instructor. Two men and surprisingly...a complete family!! consisted of father, mother, a baby and little girl and boy younger than the kids in my group. 

Here we go, the next agenda was site observation from the 13th floor of a new unit apartment in Island City. We walked for about 5-7 minutes to that building, a wide space and greeneries along the pedestrian path really convinient. The kids were seemed very happy since they able to running around.
at the lobby

at the lobby

Wouwww the new apartment was amazing...granny couldn`t hold to asked Sista Heba to take pictures as much as she can because granny doesn`t have sense of photography. The officer shortly introduced about this apartment. At the lobby we captured a small and beautiful garden behind a tranparent glass wall. They also provided one set of coozy couch and the nice part in the first floor of this apartment is a library. Various of books orderly arranged in the wooden book shelves, some sets of wooden chair and table...huwaaa it`s cooooolll.
Library at the first floor
 lil girl and her curiosity on the book 

Ok ok let`s go to the main destination...and guysss... view from the roof top is gorgeous!! We able to observed the holistic part of Island City. While we`re taking pictures and observing, organizer explained about their future project such as children hospital,etc. Afterward, they invited us to get into an apartment room on that floor. Couldn`t hold myself to ask how much does the rent fee? and from the beautiful lady in granny`s group said that it`s not for rental but the price not expensive compare to the apartment in the city center. ``Hey man...wanna buy one and spend the rest of our life here together?`` Granny wished silently :)  
roof top view

roof top view

Explained about future project in Island City

Tatami room in this modern apartment is functioned to comfort the elderly when they are visiting 

After spent more than half hour we`re going back to the UDCIC office to start the group discussion. Ohtani Sensei asked us to write down any comments (positive and negative) based on our observation. We sticked the paper comment on the area map that organizer provided. It`s difficult and realized that granny needs more longer time compare others to produce any idea or plan.

Unbelieveable the lil boy in my group was so talkactive pointed out his idea. He wanted to have many facilities close to his apartment unit, such as convenient store, playground completed with trampoline. Moreover, he also suggested to build a planetarium....wouwwww this boy is a great future planner. Perhaps because he lives in that area so that he could clearly express his needs. 
Brainstorming session

Look at that lil boy...seriously write down his ideas

Lil girl asked her father to write on her idea

While the beautiful lady proposed a share taxi facility for the resident and some others facilities. Sugino san reccommended a mini golf range at the green space, gas baloon for advertisement or place sign. The man came with his green scenery idea in front of kids hospital as a therapy methode. Heba san suggested to build a hotel at the area of birds park as well as to improve the public transportation facility.

Oh granny felt so shame...a student from urban planning but doesn`t have any cool ideas :( Instead
of a very simple thought that Grin Grin is a landmark of Island City. This conclusion came from several friends who asked when I was a new student ``Have you visited Grin-Grin?`` It`s a nice park located at Island City and there is a botanical garden designed by Toyo Ito, a famous Japanese architect. 

So, in my opinion... for the non resident, Island City refers to `Grin-Grin Park`, therefore granny proposed several things :
1) Grin-Grin Park  should have an area information center which provided comprehensive information about Island City and all the facilities in this area. Since we treat this central park as the starting point for the visitor to explore the Island City, either hand map and brochure would be very useful for them. 

2) In the future, when all of the facilities have built...they should reccommend trip courses, which place should be visit first and after. Would be more fun if they put a space for stamp on the brochure. The visitor will got one different stamp when they visited each facility.

3) By stick on ``low budget, high impact`` they should held more events regularly to create a livelier space such as family sports competition, watching movie outdoor and star viewing in the night, bbq nite next to the pool or even something very unique to represent Island City, maybe ``Island City Festival``. Resident and non resident are invited voluntarily to organize and participate in these events. 

4) Added more facilities 
a. Outdoor amenities, for example food stalls, either temporarily or permanent one. 
b. Indoor facilties such as : Public library and an interactive display in the botanical garden which          using Grippy, mascot of  Grin-Grin, to explain all parts of the garden. 
c. Provided bicycle and cart (similar to the small car in the golf range) for rent.

The discussion session was held in 15 minutes then continued with presentation from each group. The first group was represent by  one person, a student from Kysuhu University. He explained everything clearly but in Japanese so I didn`t catch the points :p Then in our group, Ohtani Sensei wanted us to present our own idea one by one. Amazingly, that lil boy confidently present his ideas. Huwaaaa...I love you boy <3   

Presentation session by Group 1

My group presentation...the boy`s turn! Adorable

Lil girl accompanying his daddy to present

Finally, the event ended up at 16.30 pm...this kind of workshop definitely reccommended to gain community participation (from all ages) in term of city planning and design. Yeayy we`re so lucky having this experience. Alhamdulillah   

Closing Remarks from Arima Sensei


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