Ohisashiburiiiiiii....Granny's back! but with a light broken heart story :D

Assalamualaikum... konniiciiwa

Hello my dear...been a year granny didn't put anything in this blog. Doesn't meant granny didn't keep promise to share you my life stories. Granny did it but in facebook page because it's much more simple. 

But then something happened, granny don't wanna let someone in facebook to read, know and watch about granny's life anymore.

I knew him since early of March 2019...we've been very closed and found strong chemistry between us. We chat everyday from morning till before sleep. We met, had dinners, visited several places, attending some events together. Granny thought...perhaps he is the right man. 

However by end of April, we had a miscommunication problem, it seems culture differences took a big part in this conflict. He is a hardworking Japanese man who just started his own business two years ago. From the beginning, he already told granny that his first priority is his company. Get marry will be the next point in life priorities. 

He didn't contact granny for 10 days, but previously he already said that he will be very busy for his new project. Granny felt upset...how come he didn't send even one message in that 10 days. So granny complained to him with some "good bye" statements. 

He then replied, he said he was surprised on how granny react..with also a very shocking statement, he said it seems hard to have a calm relationship both personal and business with granny. Later granny found that, Japanese girl can really accept if their couple/boyfriend/man that close to them didn't contact them for long period. They won't ask and let it as nothing happened when they get together again. 

Oh that's hurtful...sooo much hurtful

We didn't talk for a week then finally granny sent him message, apologized...Granny admitted that personally granny was too emotional especially to people that Granny close with. 

But for professional, granny totally a different person, rational, strict and mature. Granny told him that he doesn't have a right judge granny professionally since we didn't have any professional works together. 

But then, granny said...granny don't wanna cut the bridge between us either personal or professional. Granny hope at least we still can be a friend or business partner.

Since then he became a totally different person, very cold and ignorance. When granny sent him messages, he only replied short. But granny knew that he keep watch on granny's life through facebook. Put a "like" on granny's activities in facebook.

Then last week in the middle of the night, he sent me a short message said that he saw my picture in his fb friend, when visit a city. Well actually, before we had a conflict, granny asked him to visit that that city together but he said it's far and he has many things to do for his new project. So then we never been to that place together. And finally he found my picture, perhaps he surprised.

Granny replied it very light without any emotion and didn't say anything about the past. Since then we started to talk again but about business. He started to replied my message in a long sentences again and sent me many information.

Honestly, granny was so happy and hope that this is gonna be a good start for our relationship. But then just few days ago...through his company facebook page, granny found that he already married to a japanese woman!

Was so shocked! he cheated on me...said at  the first time we met that he his main priority his company won't think about marriage yet, keep watch on my life through fb closely, sent message in the middle of the night as he is a single man. 

Granny might talkative and bit aggressive, but one thing that granny won't ever do is flirting with someone's husband, a married man...granny will strictly cut off any lines that will make him connect and still can watch granny silently. 

Dear, granny hope that you can learn something about relationship between man and woman from granny story this time. 

Love you! 

Granny will do the best to find the right future grandpa for all of you dear, inshaAllah. 

Granny hope that granny will get married at the same time with granny's younger sister, Lulun.  It will be early of next year in February or March 2019. 

May Allah help to find the best husband in dunia and akhirah. 

May our marriage can be the media da'wah to spread out about Islam here in Japan.

aamiin, inshaAllah...gambarimashouuu



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