Tanabata Festival

I was put on a dress when my cell phone ringing, however i saw the number is not one of my contact lists so i ignored it. Shortly, its was ringing again and again...hmmm let`s pick it up, then i heard a woman  ``Moshi..moshi, Tiwi san?`` oww, i recognized and familiar with this voice  ``Haik...Oe Sensei ! Hisashiburi desu``. Oe Sensei is my Japanese teacher, she called and asked me to join the Tanabata event or star festival in Annex Building, organized by Fukuoka Friendly Club. Re-checked on my schedule and i found  i`d be free in the afternoon. I confirmed to her  ``Yes i will come sensei `` 

Luckily i got this Tanabata invitation, a kind of refreshment for me after doing  research progress presentation this morning. They already started when i arrived at Annex Building which is located behind the central library of my campus. I saw some of  the people were busy cutting papers and creating decoration for  two artificial bamboo trees. Several students was seriously writing on the paper. I was wondering where is the star? From Oe sensei explanation this morning, she said Tanabata is a star festival. In my mind star is refers to a celebrity. So, where is the star??? I wanna see Japanese Star !!!

I don`t wanna disturbed Oe sensei, she was busy preparing compliment for the participants with other members of Fukuoka Friendly club. Still bothered with the curiosity of which one is the star,  a Chinese student suddenly greet and passed me a cut of  paper  ``Please write down your wish here`` she said. ``How many wish i can write and what kind of wish? Should i write in Japanese?`` i asked.  ``Anything that you wish for. One paper only for one wish, if you have two wishes you should write down in two sheets of paper`` she explained calmly. ``You may use Japanese, English or your mother language`` she added.  

Honestly, i doubted to write on my wishes paper which would be hang on the bamboo  tree and somehow the people expecting it to be realized. My mind and heart was arguing `` i am afraid of  musyrik ``my heart said..`` But dear, you need to appreciated the host by fully participated in this event, it`s about human relationship`` my mind convinced.

``Tiwi san, have you write your wishes? When you finish, please hang it on that tree`` Oe sensei`s presence brought me back to the reality. ``Hmm not yet sensei `` i replied her and continued to figure out any solution. Yatta... I found it !!  I finally started my wishes with Bismillahirrahirrahmanirrahim then write down a wish for each paper.

At the same time, Oe sensei explain that during Tanabata festival particularly on 7th of July, the stars namely Vega and Altair which represented two lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi, are allowed to meet each other once in a year. Lately, i realized that Tanaba Festival is about a legend of  lovers that separates by the the milky way. 

Vega and Altair, poor couple.. they only meet once a year :(

This festival  was inspired from Chinese culture folklore story. You might found the bamboo trees in public spaces as such shopping center, station, some offices, etc altogether with tanzaku or small pieces of paper, so then anyone can write down their wishes and hang it on the tree. Oh MG that`s why no famous star here today :p

The festivity on Tanabata

My pink tanzaku

The Chinese girl

Done with wish writing and tree decoration activities, Oe sensei offered us to wear yukata that she brought from her home. In this such kind of cultural festival some of Japanese usually wear yukata when they attend the events. They looks so pretty and elegant. 

Oe Sensei was helping  students to wear yukata

Here we are

In the end, Oe sensei and the grannies let us enjoyed green tea, fruits and cookies...what a nice and lovely afternoon. Alhamdulillah...

Minnasan, HappY Tanabata


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